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Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Coke, Pepsi or Poison

Well the food and drug administration (FDA) thinks so! In the near future the FDA will have an in depth study and report on the effects of soda and other carbonated drinks have on the human body. This study will be similar to the study done on smoking that pretty much linked tobacco to it's harmful effects. I know it's hard to criticize the FDA once second and than take a report as face value, politics aside, take everything they say with a grain of salt. On this study it will seem reason to conclude that soda is a harmful product that serves no value and is addictive; wow that sounds like tobacco, right? Well the harmful products my not be as evident as tobacco, but I assure you they are there. First, most of the products have high fructose corn syrup which causes insulin spikes and prolonged effects can lead to diabetes. Sodium Benzoate a common food additive and used in soda is a known carcinogen when combined with vitamin c to form benzene. Also sodium benzoate on it's know is also known to damage DNA. Phosphoric acid which is also present and gives soda a tangy and acid taste is extremely harmful, it decreases bone density, by leaching calcium from the bones, can cause kidney and urinary problems. Phosphoric acid is also quite corrosive and is actually used to remove rust and pickle metal. These are just some of the components that are harmful some others do exist, don't get me started on diet soda.  If you must drink soda, please do it in moderation.  

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