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Thursday, July 11, 2013

Obesity Is Now A Disease

Obesity has now been classified as a disease according to American Medical Association. Despite your opinion of the now classified disease it will overall help people who could not afford meal replacement are behavioral counseling to help them lose weight. This also brings up another good point though, if it's now classified as a disease are insurances carriers going to start paying for the services rendered? Many people whom are obese also lack insurance coverage, so classifying it as a disease to be able to treat it to have insurance carriers pay for it can also moot. Then next aspect is why do medical doctor now want to treat this condition is it truly to help people or another code to bill to maximize profits. That last question to ask is why is a preventable condition such as obesity now a disease, a condition with can be totally preventable with education and training of the lifestyle? The thought that obesity is not a disease but rather a consequence of a lifestyle exemplified by overeating and inactivity is equal in thought to make the claim that lung cancer is not a disease due to the fact it was brought about by people who smoke cigarettes.  

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